Vision, mission et engagements


Health equity and wellbeing for everyone in the diverse communities we serve,


We are dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of people who face inequities —by providing accessible community health and social services and working together to build
healthier communities.

Who we are

At the South-East Ottawa Community Health Centre (SEOCHC), we believe serving our community means being part of the community, immersed in the realities of people’s day-today lives and showing up to do the work when it’s time to take action.
Nous savons que des communautés plus saines sont fondées sur plus que des soins de santé. Ils ont besoin de services de santé et de services sociaux accessibles à tous. Ils nécessitent de collaboration et de partenariat pour conduire le changement et créer les conditions pour les gens pour être en santé et en forme
We embrace diversity, are used to working in complex, rapidly changing situations, and adapt with agility as needs and evidence evolve. We put our hearts into serving people and passionately lead the charge to remove barriers that hinder health equity and wellbeing for all.

Nos engagements

Nous valorisons la diversité et défendons l’égalité en matière de santé.
Nous nous focalisons sur la personne dans son ensemble, tels que son bien-être physique, mental, spirituel, social et financier.
Nous nous engageons activement avec nos communautés pour construire ensemble un avenir prometteur.
Nous sommes transparents, honnêtes et conduits par la conviction pour répondre aux besoins de la communauté.
Nous nous appuyons sur des données probantes pour guider nos décisions et obtenir les résultats les plus significatifs.

Our strategic priorities


On le fera:
• Ensure community-led and co-designed initiatives
have the support to make positive impacts.
• Build on the experiences and day-to-day realities of community members to inform system changes and community investments.
• Act as a strong agent of change to tackle barriers to improved wellbeing


On le fera:
• Work with partners to reorient the health system upstream — toward community-based supports and services that allow people to be healthy and well.
• Simplify access to care and support so people can easily get what they need when they need it.
• Champion expanded access to team-based interdisciplinary primary health care.


On le fera:
• Reduce barriers to make services accessible and responsive to people’s priorities.
• Adapt care models for greater equity.
• Grow our capacity to support people with complex
needs through team-based interdisciplinary care.


On le fera:
• Continuously evolve our organizational culture to be inclusive and diverse.
• Ensure opportunities for our people to learn, grow and engage in meaningful work.
• Sustain and grow our capacity to act on our priorities.
• Be nimble and adaptive as we advance our mission

Logo for South East Ottawa Community Health Centre

Le Centre de santé communautaire du sud-est d'Ottawa (CSSEOC) est un organisme communautaire à but non lucratif qui offre une gamme de services multidisciplinaires pour aborder les déterminants sociaux de la santé.

Information de contact

1355, rue Bank
Bureau 600
Ottawa (Ont.)
K1H 8K7
3320, Paul Anka Drie
Ottawa (Ont.)
K1V 0J9


Avec des employés et des bénévoles enthousiastes, nous sommes prêts à vous soutenir à tout moment.
